TVF Tripling
“Tripling is a story of three siblings, loaded with the emotions that highlights this unique and enduring relationship. Tripling is about the trio that set off on an unforgettable, unplanned road trip to meet their parents. The mayhem that ensues makes Tripling a trip worth taking. Individually, their lives are just chugging along. But when Chandan Sharma, the eldest, played by popular actor Sumeet Vyas from Permanent Roommates' fame, returns from the U.S after a broken marriage and losing his job, he reunites with Chanchal Sharma Painyuli, the middle sister, played by popular actress Maanvi Gagroo of TVF Pitchers fame, and Chitvan Sharma, the youngest played by popular actor Amol Parashar, a series of unexpected events lead to chaos - ride along with them as this journey is loaded with heaps of fun moments and you and your family will enjoy. And even though they get lost pretty often along the way, the big question remains -- will they find themselves?”