

TV-14·2008–2012·41 min


When the Strategic Response Unit arrives, the rules change. The bad guy's caught - he just doesn't know it yet. The SRU, inspired by Toronto's Emergency Task Force, is a handpicked team of elite cops. High risk is their business and these men and women do it all: rescue hostages, bust gangs, defuse bombs. Talk down suicidal teens. Protect the Pope. They handle state-of-the-art weapons - sniper rifles, flash-bang grenades, tasers. They climb the sides of buildings. See through walls. But they're different from other SWAT teams. Because their arsenal also includes a gift for words. A knowledge of human intuition. An instinct for when it's time to negotiate - and when the 'solution' calls for something more. On the scene, they're in charge. No one knows their job better. SRU Constables outrank senior Inspectors - and the Inspectors don't like it. Regular uniforms grumble when pushed aside by the SRU 'prima donnas.' While secretly wishing they were in their place. It's a tough job. A job that carries the kind of pressure only your teammates - your band of brothers - can really understand. It's a stress that shades all your choices and can take a heavy toll on families, friends, lovers... These people are A-types and risk-takers. On the job, they play by the rules, bend them if they have to. But off the job, all bets are off...

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